Sunday, May 31, 2015

Au revoir

In case you haven't heard, Steve and I have sold the nursery and Country Girls Nursery will be taking over our space on June 30th. Before the rumors begin and to squelch some that have already started, we are NOT moving to France, are NOT retiring and Walmart has NOT put us out of business. We have had 20 successful years here in Silver City but we are 20 years older than when we started. Contrary to popular belief the thousands of bags of Compost, Top Soil and Potting Soil do not magically float into customers vehicles and trucks full of plants do not unload and arrange themselves...and they haven't for 20 years. We are moving to Bend, Oregon. And before you start with rain and grey skies, it is on the dry side of Oregon, high desert and about 85,000 people. There is only one Walmart and it is on the far South side of town so we are thinking we won't ever have to see it and certainly not hear the name every day. Other words we are looking forward to leaving behind are deer and Ace, quite often in the same context. We will both continue to work. I will hopefully get a job at a nursery of which there are several really good ones and Steve is thinking REI (so he can get a discount on his toys) or something similar. So there you have it. The real story. We have enjoyed our stay here in Silver City because of good friends and loyal customers and will be forever grateful for your support but we are off on a new adventure! We are planning a 'Meet and Greet' with Kendra Wolf and the Country Girls crew from 9-5 on Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 27th. On Saturday there will be hot dogs and beverages from 11-2. Come and welcome them to their new location. Be nice, support them and help them transition into the nursery. You need a nursery here with the quality products, great advice and fair prices we have tried to provide since 1995.

We are stocked up and our Weeks Roses are absolutely beautiful! 
All trees, shrubs, roses, perennials, vegetables, annuals and ceramic pottery are 25% off June 2nd through the 13th!

This will be Silver Heights  Nursery's last blog post. If you need inspiration you can refer to earlier posts that will hopefully answer a lot of questions. Just search a subject in the upper left hand corner. Country Girls has updates on Facebook at

Our house is 'for sale by owner' so if you know of anyone who might be interested the information is at The number for a qualified buyer to call for an appointment to view this property is 575.956.3158

Thanks again for 20 great years! 
Couldn't have done it without you!

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