Sunday, November 18, 2012


  • Looks like the warm weather is going to continue for a while. Don't forget to check your plants and water accordingly. Here is a link to a previous blog on everything you would ever want to know about watering. June 2011 Watering
  • Saturday, November 24th is Small Business Saturday. There are so many great, locally owned businesses in Grant County. Please get out and support them.
  • A friend sent me a link to this website and I thought I would share it with you. Just Label It!
  • Steve and I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! Wherever you are and whoever you are with, enjoy the day.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 2012

In case you haven't noticed the nursery is closed for the season. We will reopen on either March 26th or April 2nd, 2013 depending on weather and delivery schedules. There will be lots of new and exciting products. I'll keep you posted. 
Wrap trees for winter. Below are some photos of tree damage. Many of you may think this looks like borer damage but it is really inflicted by the Red-Naped Sapsucker. He is a winter resident in our yard and drills rows of small shallow holes in tree bark, feeding on the sap and the insects it attracts. We actually lost a small Golden Rain Tree because the birds girdled it. The best protection against this damage is to wrap trees with a tree guard. Tree guards come in a lot of different shapes and sizes just make sure that whatever you use allows your tree trunk to expand since the biggest increase in caliper occurs in winter. A tree wrap will also protect your trees from sunscald or southwest injury. This happens when a deciduous tree sheds it leaves in winter and exposes the trunk to direct sunlight. The sun heats up the bark (which is why to never use black guard or wrap that heats even more), the sap starts flowing and when it freezes at night it ruptures the cells. This usually occurs on the southwest side of the tree. Take the time to wrap your trees and they will be healthier because of it.

Sapsucker damage to apple tree

Sapsucker damage to apple tree

Bradford Pear with tree guard

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Red Wall'. As most of you have gathered from previous posts (Seeing Red, Dorothy) I love fall and all of the colors it has to offer. This year we have added a new vine to our landscape that has proven itself as a fast grower with  fire engine red fall color. We planted the 'Red Wall' on our new garden shed, one of last year's winter projects, in May from a 4 1/2" plug. It climbed vigorously the 8' to the roof and then began its run under the eave. This is a Proven Winner cultivar of a native that has large 5 lobed, dark green leaves and produces blue berries in the fall that birds enjoy. It is a salt tolerant, deciduous vine that will quickly reach 20 feet in full sun or shade. Perfect for covering a wall, fence or hillside. This plant is cold hardy to 40 degrees below zero and fairly drought tolerant once established. We grew these last spring and sold out quickly so we are growing more for next year. You will love this vine! 

6 months growth!

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Red Wall'