Saturday, October 1, 2011

Until 2012

The nursery is now closed until March 27th, 2012. Thanks to everyone for a very successful season. We have signed another two year lease and purchased a greenhouse (which we put up at home) from some friends who bought it from us when we closed in 2006. Thanks Mary & Ken for storing it for us for the last 5 years! This seasonal business has turned out to be the way to go. It affords us some good down time to catch up on all of the things we don't have time for April-September, allows for a vacation and permits us to do something we really both enjoy...growing! Good commercial growers that only sell to independent garden centers are getting fewer and their quality is waning as they try to keep up with the demands of big box stores. As the saying goes "If you want something done right, do it yourself". We have taken pleasure in growing some usual and unusual perennials these last few years and they have been well received so we are now branching out (pun intended) to shrubs. In response to our customers' wants we have chosen new shrubs that are cold hardy, with showy flowers or fall color or both. Since Grant County is a favorite for birders we have also included many bird friendly plants that supply good coverage as well as berries for food. We are also growing some old favorites like Butterfly Bushes, Spiraea and Rose of Sharon. By growing these things we can keep quality high and prices fair which are two things that mean a lot to us. We have never been concerned about what other businesses in town do, we only try to do what WE do well. I'll be sharing some of these new shrubs with you throughout the next few months.

If you have any gardening questions while we are closed leave a comment here, email me at or call 956-3159. Thanks again for your patronage. Have a great winter and we will see you Tuesday, March 27th, 2012.